Maritime Legal Aid & Advocacy

Kings Point ATRs Tell Female Cadets that Getting Sexually Assaulted During Sea Year is Their Own Fault.

*Submitted by a Kings Point 2022 Female

Before I went to sea for the first time, Captain Eugene Albert, who is the head of shipboard training, had a pizza party where all the Class of 2022 females went and ate pizza together.

He had a female alumni come and talk to us about sea. She is a Sandy Hook Pilot in training, and she told us that the girls who have problems at sea are the girls who “wear short shorts to the gym” and who won’t stand up for themselves, and all we have to do is dress like a guy and we won’t have any issues with sexual harassment or sexual assault.

The message was that if you have these kinds of problems at sea it’s your fault and you’re the problem, and clearly this was Captain Albert’s messages, which he delivered through this woman over pizza.

My jaw was on the floor while she was talking, but I looked around the room and realized that most of the girls believed her.

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